what are the verses in the bible to read when you have diffrent problems or emotions

12 Bible verses to overcome anger and resentment - The words and truths of the Lord God and Jesus Christ from scripture will comfort your heart when you are angry and resentful, bringing faith, hope, and strength into your spirit. Everyone experiences anger and resentment in life and these Bible verses will help you to heal.

12 Bible verses to overcome anger and resentment - The words and truths of the Lord God and Jesus Christ from scripture will comfort your heart when you are angry and resentful, bringing faith, hope, and strength into your spirit. Everyone experiences anger and resentment in life and these Bible verses will help you to heal.

12 Bible verses to overcome anger and resentment - The words and truths of the Lord God and Jesus Christ from scripture will comfort your heart when you are angry and resentful, bringing faith, hope, and strength into your spirit. Everyone experiences anger and resentment in life and these Bible verses will help you to heal.

12 Bible verses to overcome anger and resentment

The Bible is the ultimate resource for overcoming whatsoever negative emotion, especially anger. Find encouragement in scripture as you lot explore and resolve your aroused feelings and resentment.


A close up of a person facing away from the camera

About a week ago, I received an electronic mail from a reader. She saw my post on overcoming disappointment, and she asked if I could help her. She is suffering in an unbearably unjust situation, and she is angry and resentful at the person causing it.

I can't share her whole story, just the details are unimportant. Your acrimony and resentment are as existent and honest and justified as hers are. They're understandable.

And she's looking for answers, only like you are.

I prayed well-nigh this woman and her family unit, and I prayed for you. I prayed that God would give me the words to help both of you.

My therapist says that anger is always masking a more vulnerable emotion. I think information technology'south helpful to await at that more vulnerable emotion and to deal with that, but you lot can come back to that afterwards. For now, let'due south just talk virtually the emotions y'all're feeling.

12 Bible Verses & 5 Steps to Overcoming Anger and Resentment

Concrete steps make sense to me. Give me a numbered list, and I'one thousand a happy camper. So I created a numbered list for you.

Following the steps isn't as piece of cake every bit 1-2-3. The steps are where the real work lies. I am praying that you are challenged by these steps, and that y'all detect a fashion to go through them all.

  1. Control your temper. (Let's start right abroad with the hard stuff!)

When people mistreat u.s. and in that location's zero nosotros can do about it, nosotros get mad. It isn't off-white. Parents encounter information technology in their young children who are constantly on the lookout to make certain everything is fair.

The gut reaction to go upset in the face of unfairness never really goes abroad. God'due south Word says that we are to command our tempers, even in the face of unfairness.

Sensible people control their atmosphere; they earn respect past overlooking wrongs. -Proverbs 19:11

Earn respect. What if the respect of men isn't what you're subsequently?

Sympathize this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all exist quick to mind, slow to speak, and ho-hum to get angry. Human being anger does non produce the righteousness God desires. -James 1:nineteen-20

The righteousness God desires. Ouch. We may exist able to brush off the respect of men, but the righteousness of God doesn't get away so easily.

Practise to others every bit you would similar them to do to y'all. -Luke half-dozen:31

When we overlook wrongs, we care for others the way we desire to be treated. Just what if the wrong is something really big? What if we can't just get over it?

Nosotros still take choices. If the wrong is something monumental - corruption, neglect, criminal - then DO SOMETHING. Don't just get aroused, but have action. Enlist the assist of someone who can stop it.

The reader who wrote to me has endured her situation for five months. Certainly, she has been slow to anger. Just now, she is furious.

What next?

2. Don't permit your feelings control you lot. God recognizes that sometimes, we do get angry. Frequently, we demand to in society to remedy a situation or to spur us on to action.

Don't sin past letting anger command you lot. Think almost it overnight and remain silent. -Psalm 4:four

He is saying to think virtually your situation, and encounter if information technology merits getting upset.

Are you maxim something like, "Yep! It does! I take a right to be mad. Is that wrong?"

Beingness upset isn't a sin, but existence controlled by your feelings is.

And don't sin by letting acrimony command you. Don't let the sun go down while you lot are still aroused, for anger gives a foothold to the devil. -Ephesians four:26-27

So you lot're at that place. Don't let the sunday get down while you are still aroused. Discover a way to work it out, pray through it, movement by information technology before you give the devil an in-road to your psyche.

Need a pick-me-upwardly? Get do something kind for someone. Volunteer your time. Do good, forgetting virtually the person who's made you angry for a while.

Stop existence aroused! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper - information technology only leads to harm. -Psalm 37:8

All scriptures are God-breathed, correct? Every word is truthful. And so what of this? Stop beingness aroused?! How practise you only stop?

3. You lot pray. Pray for yourself. Pray for the person who is making you have big feelings. Pray for the state of affairs. Pray that your middle will be softened and you lot'll forgive.

People can't change people. Only God can alter people.

Right now, YOU need to be inverse, and the person who'due south hurt y'all needs to exist inverse. Give yourself permission to just focus on you for now. Ask God to change you and get rid of your anger despite the rotten state of affairs you're in.

But now you must put them all away: acrimony, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with i another and, if one has a complaint against some other, forgiving each other; every bit the Lord has forgiven you lot, so yous also must forgive. -Colossians 3:8, 12-13

You are holy and dearest, my friend. You lot are, and yous deserve better than what these feelings are doing to y'all.

4. Forgive. I said these steps weren't going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. Pray that y'all can forgive the person who'due south hurt yous. Pray it every day, every 60 minutes, every infinitesimal if you have to. (What if it's too difficult? Here are more than Bible verses to help you with forgiveness.)

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, also as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving ane another, just equally God through Christ has forgiven y'all. -Ephesians iv:31-32

It's the Golden Rule again. Do unto others as you would have them practice unto you. Treat the person who's injure you with the same tenderhearted kindness that you care for your kids with.

I heard in one case that property unforgiveness in your heart is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Unforgiveness is toxic to your soul. It affects every part of your life, and it manifests in sickness, in tension, and in acrimony.

Practise not judge others, and you lot volition not exist judged. Practise not condemn others, or it volition all come back confronting you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. -Luke 6:37

Nosotros are required to forgive as the Father has forgiven us. Information technology is not optional - and information technology does non come easily.

5. Dear. Forgiveness is one thing, but loving is another thing entirely. Loving your enemy - the very person who's hurt you - is too required by scripture.

Not suggested, required.

The very thought makes me feel sick for you.

You don't want to act in a loving way towards the person who'southward hurt yous. Non at all.

That's where prayer comes in again. Pray that you'll have pity and kindness for that person. (And go on praying it until it happens.)

Dearest your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. And so your reward from sky volition be very great, and you volition truly be acting every bit children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. -Luke 6:35

This passage goes on to say that even sinners are kind to those who dear them, but information technology takes something special to be kind to an enemy.

You see, nosotros don't become to have vengeance. Information technology'south not ours; it'south God's solitary. We are chosen to honey God and love one another, the finish.

Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone tin can see you are honorable. Do all that y'all tin to live in peace with everyone. Love friends, never accept revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God.

For the Scriptures say,
"I will take revenge;
I will pay them back,"
says the Lord.

Instead, If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
If they are thirsty, give them something to potable.
In doing this, you will heap
burning coals of shame on their heads.

Don't let evil conquer y'all, only conquer evil by doing good. -Romans 12:17-21

Y'all see, Jesus didn't just die for you, my righteous friend. He died for the person who's hurt you, besides. He loves both of you the aforementioned. Information technology doesn't seem off-white (there's a parable about that), but information technology is so.

Jesus died for both of yous because you're both sinners.

Different stories, unlike sins, same black marks.

For God has non destined united states of america for wrath, only to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or comatose we might live with him. Therefore encourage ane another and build one some other up, just as you are doing. -ane Thessalonians v:9-eleven

Save these Bible verses on acrimony and resentment in a convenient blackness and white printable below. You tin can work on memorizing and meditating on them, one at a time.

If you need assistance with a arrangement for memorizing verses, bank check out this mail service on our family'south memorization addiction.

While you're here, check out these other Bible-based posts:

  • A Grateful Heart - 2 Calendar week Printable Bible Study on Gratitude & Thankfulness
  • 23 Bible Verses on Loneliness
  • 10 Bible Verses to Overcome Anxiety & Worry
  • xiii Bible Verses to Encourage You in Times of Stress
  • Who Does God Say I Am? 20 Biblical Truths & Affirmations For Every Christian


Source: https://feelslikehomeblog.com/12-bible-verses-to-overcome-anger-resentment/

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